Sunday, 11 July 2010

Radio Wales Broadcast on Irish Kite Re-introductions

If you would like an insight into why there haven't been many posts from me in the past six weeks you could listen to the following radio broadcast on the BBC's iplayer. It is only available until 8 am on 18th July!

Saturday, 10 July 2010


On 28th June the second batch of Welsh Red Kite chicks sailed across to Ireland making 53 in total for this year. This was the maximum amount we were allowed to collect under our Countryside Council for Wales license so the Irish conservationists at the Golden Eagle Trust and RSPB Northern Ireland were well pleased.

Collecting was not as difficult as last year as there were far more broods of two chicks around and the breeding success appears to have been pretty good. Will know more when we analyse the breeding figures collected by all the nestwatchers. So far, over 230 Welsh kite chicks have been ringed and tagged too. Many thanks to all the watchers for their help and to all the landowners who allowed us to collect a chick.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Thank you

Just a quick note to say a huge thank you to Tony for allowing me to go out climbing with him for a few days this ringing/tagging season, just hope I was more help than hindrance. Already looking forward to next year.