Friday 28 May 2010

All's well in the wood

Those of you that don't live in West Wales might like to know that despite all the world's troubles there is a little bit of heaven in a Welsh wood near me!
The nest is high in a tall oak just in from the downslope edge and facing west; set in a triple fork it is large, secure and has a deep layer of wool in the bowl. The oak leaves are fresh and bright, luminous in the shafts of sunlight as a slight breeze sways the canopy.
This is my only nest that can be observed from above and although the kite has circled high overhead, he/she hasn't whistled yet so I sit and wait a few moments. Then suddenly two white woolly heads pop out of the nest and wait alert, hoping for some food no doubt. I pass on to treasure this image hoping it won't turn into a rain soaked nightmare in June.
Met our leader Tony Cross earlier in the day. He had already ringed choughs on the coast, checked and ringed young in 50 boxes in a steep wood and was on his way into a beautiful valley in the hills to check on the redstarts. Good job he's getting younger by the day!

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